a hand with long red nails holding up the zine, which has a bright yellow cover with the title and author's name in black text. the image, also in black ink, is a grid of 4 iterations of the same 19th century photo of a woman in different stages of being edited to look like a marble bust.
photo (and quilt) by M Slater
photo (and quilt) by M Slater
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More about the release

From the manual retouching processes of the 19th century to the instantaneous beauty filters of the 21st century, how has photo-editing shaped the way we see ourselves and each other? Do manipulated photos warp our perception of reality? Do un-manipulated photos exist? Has the ubiquity of digital photography and publishing platforms exacerbated our insecurities, or helped to expand our ideas of beauty? "Body Images" grapples with these questions while providing historical context to our contemporary anxieties.

Record details

Publishing, Culture, Art
Release Date
13 March 2025
Catalog Number

Body Images: Photography, Technology, and Beauty Culture

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"Body Images" explores how photography, editing, and publishing technologies have influenced beauty culture from 1839 through the present day.

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Limited run of 50